It’s a Dynamic Time in Facilities Management for Banks and Financial Services Firms — Is Your Team Keeping Up?

Financial services and bank facilities management leaders have spent the past few years navigating unprecedented changes. One of the most significant has been how consumers interact with physical locations and the services available to them while on site. With online and mobile services satisfying most of consumers’ daily financial needs, it has become more important to invest in on-site experiences.

Examples of the ways that financial services and bank facilities management leaders are seeking to make on-site visits more meaningful, memorable, repeatable, and profitable include:

Generational differences play a role here as well. Older generations prefer working directly with people, whereas younger generations prefer the ease of mobile and online solutions. With numerous generations still requiring support, financial services and bank facilities management leaders will be catering to different consumers for some time.

While innovations continue to spring up in branches nationwide, all of the facility assets that enable successful interactions mustn’t be forgotten. HVAC systems, plumbing, lighting, building exteriors and interiors, safety systems, and more must also be routinely maintained, repaired, and replaced as needed.

Clearly, as a financial services and bank facilities management leader, you and your team have your hands full. How can you prioritize all of these assets, across numerous locations, at all times — all while providing strategic support for other organizational initiatives?

Consider the Value of Working with an Aggregator

A facility asset maintenance aggregator is a company that established relationships with proven commercial service vendors across multiple trades. When you work with an aggregator, their team manages all aspects of facility asset maintenance on your behalf. This provides you with numerous advantages:

Case in Point: Centralizing Facility Management and LED Retrofit Programs

If you’re wondering how a financial services and bank facilities maintenance program might work, consider the following examples.

First, a major investment management firm required LED retrofits across all of its locations nationwide. Now, if its facility management team attempted to oversee this effort in house, it would have required significant time, energy, and resources (and potentially more staff).

Rather than assume that responsibility, it partnered with an aggregator — at first for a pilot effort, then for the complete program. With the aggregator running point on every detail, and keeping firm leaders updated on a weekly basis, the results were significant.

A second example comes from the veterinary world but is applicable here due to the organization having numerous locations nationwide. The organization was struggling with its current facility asset maintenance approach, which consisted of its internal team handling all facility needs for more than 180 locations across 27 states. Clearly, this was slowing its team down and resulted in maintenance needs falling behind.

By aggregating this maintenance, the company was able to centralize all facility asset maintenance activity in a single partner. This eliminated headaches around finding vendors, obtaining insurance information and other documentation, and navigating billing issues. Communication was streamlined, and all efforts were completed on a timely schedule — with the company being updated regularly on progress.

Keep Your Physical Locations Looking Their Best 24/7/365

CLS Facility Services has partnered with numerous financial services and banking institutions nationwide for decades, providing them with a complete line of facility asset maintenance solutions executed on a proactive schedule.

And with our CapEx approach to facility management, we identify opportunities for savings paid for and amortized through CapEx funds — keeping location-specific resources freed up for other needs.

That’s just the beginning of why companies choose to partner with us, though. Connect with us today to learn more about how we can help with your financial services and bank facilities management needs.