It’s That Time of Year

Q4 is rapidly approaching, and that means budgeting and planning for the year ahead. Soon you and your team will meet to plan a variety of facility management needs — from maintenance cycles to asset replacement needs and more. With Q4 and the new year comes more than just a sea of financial tasks and planning, however — it also brings opportunities to make the road ahead more advantageous. And that’s thanks to commercial lighting audits and surveys.

Why commercial lighting audits and surveys? How does this seemingly minor program make a meaningful long-term contribution to your facility management strategy? It all comes down to the lighting and electrical work you have planned for the coming year.

If your organization is planning virtually any form of lighting upgrades, replacements, or even just maintenance across your locations, you must first assess what’s actually needed at each location — before signing contracts and executing the work itself. Additionally, if you plan to take advantage of the many utility and/or government rebates that come with energy-efficient LED retrofits and upgrades, you’ll need to first determine which locations and assets will qualify for them. All of this and more is done through commercial lighting audits and surveys.

Learn how to navigate a successful commercial LED retrofit program in our in-depth guide. Download your free copy here.

What Goes Into a Commercial Lighting Audit and Survey

A commercial lighting audit and survey assesses numerous aspects of lighting assets themselves, related electrical systems, and overall lighting needs — all tailored to the individual locations of your facilities. Below is a sampling of what a lighting survey includes:

  • Collection of all lighting data across facilities for all locations surveyed
  • Evaluation of lighting equipment, fixtures, wiring, and more
  • Analysis of lighting distribution, color temperature, and outages (interior and exterior)
  • Determination on installation equipment needed (lifts, recycling of lamps or ballasts, new sockets, etc.)
  • Analysis of location-specific energy and lighting maintenance expenses
  • Evaluation of asset warranties, purchase orders, and related documentation
  • Identification of any requirements for utility rebate programs
  • Development of proposals for retrofits, maintenance, upgrades, and replacements

How All of This Helps with Proactive Planning

A commercial lighting audit and survey for your locations is crucial for annual facility management budget and work planning for a number of reasons:

  • You know exactly how many assets are in play across your footprint
  • Data about asset age, performance, cost, and more is up-to-date
  • Cost savings and rebate data is all made available prior to budget planning
  • Warranty information is gathered proactively, saving you time and effort
  • Recommendations for upgrades, replacements, and improvements are provided
  • This helps to prevent unplanned change orders down the road

Maximize the Success of Your Lighting Survey Program — and What Follows It — with a Facility Management Aggregator

We understand that this is just one of many responsibilities and areas of focus that you and your team have around this time of year. But taking proactive steps to protect your locations against the unexpected — as well as your facility management budget — will go a long way in ensuring that customers and employees have consistently positive experiences each and every day and that you’re in the best position possible to reduce costs and maximize asset performance.

As a facility management aggregator for organizations spanning numerous industries, CLS Facility Services is the ideal partner to help you implement commercial lighting audits and surveys — as well as many other proactive facility asset maintenance solutions. Learn more about how we can support your success in the months ahead, and then connect with us to discuss your facility management needs.